Friday, July 10, 2009


It's hard to keep up with these blogs, because of how mobile I have been. Trying to cram in an entire country in less than three weeks is impossible! Guess that means, I'll be back!

Medellin is a very beautiful modern city. It has a very well developed and efficient transportation system that includes a metrorail and cablecar system. I made sure to ride them both. During this leg of the trip, we decided to stay with Victor's family, which was different than the rest of the trip. It was sort of a pampering few days. It was the first hot shower I had since arriving in Colombia and we had people driving us around almost the entire time we were here. Cesar (Victor's cousin) and his girlfriend took out to La Piedra del Penon. This is an enormous rock with 649 steps that towers over 200 meters in the air. Shit! I was tired when we reached the top. The views were magnificent though! Later on we went to one of the other cousin's cabin retreat that was close by and hung out there for the rest of the day. Luis, Vic and I went kayaking in the river at the foot of the property.

The climax of our stay in Medellin was a birthday party on the weekend for an uncle. It was to be at their ranch in the countryside. The ranch was beautiful and the party was a hit. Tents were set up all around the property to provide additional sleeping space for all the guests. The props and set-up for the party was great. It came complete with an adult pinata filled with adult toys, condoms, and other stuff. It was funny to see all those drunken adults fumbling and scrapping it out on the ground for plastic tits and rubbers.

After a lot of rum, beer and some salsa with Maria with the 2 left feet who almost gave me a linebacker tackle during one dance, I threw up and decided to call it a night. Next day we were off to Cali.

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